Saw the latest James Bond movie the other night, Quantum of Solace. Yes, there was a lot of action, but I’m not sure it was that much more than in Casino Royale. I’ve read that people said there was TOO much action, and I don’t feel like that’s the case. What I do think there was too much of was that shaky camera thing that is popular now, that kind of hand-held look where it seems like someone is running along with the camera, zooming in on this and that and not letting you get a full picture of what is going on. In fact, after the first 10 or 15 minutes of the movie, I thought I might throw up! Way too much movement for me. I like to sit in the middle of the theater, but I couldn’t do it with the opening portion of the movie, and I had to get up and go to the back row. Of course, just playing a 3D video game on the Playstation makes me have to go and lie down, so it could just be me. The shaky business seemed to settle down as the movie went on.
Daniel Craig is scary intense, very realistic as a guy wound tight, trying to keep from crossing the line—very often, anyway. He’s got that Steve McQueen kinda thing going on, and I sometimes wonder if he’s even acting or if he’s like that in real life. I looked up his birthday and he’s a Pisces. What does that tell me? I don’t know, nothing, I guess, but I’m a Pisces, too, so it makes me think he’s a very good actor.
I really like Olga Kurylenko, recently of Hitman and Max Payne. She was more of a kick-ass Bond girl, which I like better than the helpless “Oh, James!” types. The best and toughest Bond girl ever, though, was Izabella Scorupco, who played Natalya Simonova in Goldeneye. Goldeneye is my favorite Bond movie to date. Too bad they can’t bring Famke Janssen back as Xenia Onatopp in the next Bond movie. She would sure give Daniel Craig a run for his money in the intensity department!
I did see a Bond Blooper in Quantum of Solace: there is a scene where he disables a bad guy and takes his ear piece and other accoutrements so he can look at and listen in on the rest of the bad guys. He takes all this stuff and goes into the restroom and drops it into the sink while he puts in his ear piece, etc. The sink is one of those ones operated by a motion sensor and it should have turned on instantly and soaked all his stuff as soon as he put it in the sink, but nary a drop of water appeared.
All in all, another good Bond flick, one which I will most definitely be adding to my DVD collection.