I ordered some software recently, and it was shipped through the United States Post Office from Phoenix on July 8. On July 11, the package arrived here in my home city, Memphis—three days, that's good. Unfortunately, it didn't actually arrive IN my mailbox. Nope, it was processed through the Sort Facility in Memphis and sent to Denver, where it was processed again on July 12 and sent back to Phoenix. On July 13, Phoenix processed it through their Sort Facility (again), and it was sent to Scottsdale (first time for Scottsdale), who then processed it on July 14 and sent it on to Bell, California (another first). I can hardly wait to find out where it is today, July 16, which I will know tomorrow when the USPS updates their tracking information. Gosh, maybe it's gone all the way to Alaska by now! This is so much fun. I just wish it was my Flat Stanley.
The other day, I watched my mail carrier pull into my neighbor's driveway to deliver a box that wouldn't fit in her mailbox. He never got out of the mail truck; just threw the box towards her front step. Gave it a big heave, he did, but it didn't quite get there. It was close enough, though. Heck of an arm on that mail carrier.
I hope I never have to rely on the United States Post Office to ship a kidney or a Faberge Egg.
Thank goodness for Fedex.