
Please, JUST WORK! Anything at all!

Friday, August 13, 2010

I love Greg Barchard! [ @barchard ]

Yes, I know, a little bit of a sensational blog post title, but it's true. I love Greg Barchard. I love his Rapidweaver plugins, and I love his customer support, and I love his genial nature when responding to our sometimes (frequently?) lame questions.

Regarding a recent suggestion for his first iPhone app from a list member, Greg Barchard said, "I would do a universal iPhone and iPad app. I don't like an app that sells multiple copies of itself on the store. It feels wrong." You go, Greg.

Buy Rapidweaver plugins from this guy. Seriously, you won't regret it. He answers questions quickly — even from his iPhone — his Google Groups mailing list is so helpful, and his plugins are cool and constantly being updated and improved.

Friday, August 6, 2010

I can't decide which one is the dumbest in this triangle

Woman "Discovers" Her Husband's Other Marriage on Facebook

Which one, which one ... 

Is it the first wife who took this guy back after she'd found evidence of his wedding plans with wife #2 on Facebook because he said he loved her and wanted to reconcile and that he wouldn't go through with the other wedding? 

Or, is it wife #2 who knows this guy had another wife and child that he didn't mind cheating on and who was dumb enough to post her photos on Facebook, and who apparently believes that she is so special that he would never do the same to her? 

Or, is it the scumbag husband who could possibly face criminal charges for fraud for filing taxes, completing insurance claims, etc., under the guise of a married man? [I can only hope.]

Maybe the kids should go live with someone outside of this group completely, someone who is not so stupid.
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